PulseForge® tools enabling production of perovskite solar cells

Perovskites are a group of organometallic/all-inorganic halides with chemical formula ABX3 in perovskite crystal structure1. Considered as a next-generation photovoltaic (PV) material, they combine strong light absorption with superior carrier transport2 and tunable bandgaps3. Wen LiuAs an Application Engineering Intern this summer, Wen Liu has added great value to the team by utilizing her unique […]
Photonic curing and soldering

How Does the Photonic Curing Process Work? Light energy incident on a body will be absorbed and heat up the object. The light-matter interaction determines what fraction of light is reflected back, transmitted through or absorbed by the body. The fraction of light absorbed can be guessed by the color of the body (darker material […]